Best 房地产 在奥克兰


如果你已经爱上了奥克兰,那么奥克兰房地产可能是你的下一步行动. 无论你是在寻找一个城市的临时住所, a suburban hideaway, or a coastal idyll, 有几十家中介公司等着带你参观你的梦想之家.

奥克兰经常被评为最适合居住的城市之一, with a high quality of life, so it can also be quite expensive. 很明显, 比如高架桥港的公寓, or cottages on Waiheke岛, 会是任何价格范围的顶端吗, but if you shop around, 你可能会对即将到来的便宜货感到惊讶. 像曼吉尔和马努考这样的地区过去被认为租金很低, 但随着机场的临近以及通往城市的交通连接不断改善, these are places to watch. North Shore is always popular, especially anywhere with beach, 尤其是德文波特和塔卡普纳, but spread your net to Albany, Birkdale or Birkenhead, and get more for your money. 帕内尔和庞森比很受欢迎, 但试着离开主要街道进入死胡同, 你可能不得不满足于更小的东西,但是, as with most property, location is everything.

If youʻre booking your 奥克兰之旅 last minute, we have you covered. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
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